Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Home Builders and Remodelers in 2024

In the rapidly changing landscape of home building and remodeling, standing still means falling behind, yet moving forward without a plan is just as bad. You’re about to embark on a journey that will arm you with the tools and knowledge necessary to not just survive, but thrive in 2024’s competitive market.

This guide is meticulously crafted for you, the forward-thinking home builder or remodeler, aiming to refine your marketing strategy, captivate your ideal clients, and scale your operations efficiently. From dissecting cutting-edge digital marketing practices to revitalizing time-honored traditional methods, we’ll guide you step by step through a systematic, practical approach tailored specifically to your industry’s challenges and opportunities.

As you prepare to navigate through these insights, keep in mind that the key to unlocking your business’s full potential lies in integrating these strategies into a cohesive marketing plan.

Let’s set the stage for a transformative journey that promises to redefine the way you connect with your market and elevate your business to unprecedented heights.

Setting Your Marketing Foundations: Crunching the Essential Numbers

To set a solid marketing foundation for your home building or remodeling business, it’s crucial to start by crunching the essential numbers that will inform your strategy. Begin by evaluating your current position: take a look at your total sales, average project size, sales conversion rate, and gross margin percentage. These figures are the backbone of your marketing plan, providing a clear picture of where your business stands today.

Next, envision your end goal. What does success look like for you in terms of sales and growth? Once you’ve set your sights, identify the gaps between your current state and your desired outcome. This gap analysis is pivotal; it directs your focus to the areas that need improvement.

Now, it’s time to get systematic. Enter your baseline figures into a calculator designed for home builders and remodelers. This tool will crunch the numbers, revealing how many projects you need to complete, the volume of leads required, and your necessary advertising budget, assuming an average Cost Per Lead (CPL) of $250.

Stick to this process, and you’ll forge a path toward consistent, measurable growth.

Defining Your Sweet Spot: Balancing Big Projects with Smaller Jobs

While focusing on larger projects can streamline your administrative workload, it’s essential to keep smaller, profitable jobs in your portfolio to maintain steady cash flow. This balance isn’t just about keeping your revenue streams diverse; it’s about optimizing your business operations to ensure sustainability and growth.

Start by evaluating your past projects. Identify which smaller jobs brought in a healthy profit with minimal hassle. Consider factors like project duration, client satisfaction, and overall profitability. This analysis will help you understand which types of smaller projects complement your larger endeavors.

Next, streamline your approach to these smaller projects. Develop a system that allows you to manage them with minimal time and resources. This could involve standardizing your processes, using technology to automate certain tasks, or even training a dedicated team to handle these jobs.

Choosing Your Starting Point: Social Ads vs. PPC & SEO

Deciding between social ads, PPC, and SEO as your marketing starting point requires understanding their time to impact and cost implications.

If you’re looking for quick results, social media advertisements, such as Facebook ads, can generate leads rapidly. However, be aware that this method tends to have a shorter lifespan in effectiveness, potentially leading to a quick burnout. It’s a sprint, not a marathon, ideal for immediate visibility but not long-term sustainability.

On the other hand, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, particularly through Google, demands a higher initial investment and technical setup, but its effectiveness in reaching potential clients is substantial. PPC offers a balanced approach, delivering quicker results than SEO while maintaining a longer-term impact compared to social ads.

Lastly, SEO is your go-to for sustained long-term growth. It’s a marathon, requiring patience, with results typically manifesting after 6-9 months. However, once it gains momentum, SEO provides a steady stream of organic traffic at a lower cost per acquisition.

Leveraging a CRM: Streamlining Leads and Saving Time

After understanding the initial steps of choosing between social ads, PPC, and SEO for generating leads, it’s crucial to explore how a CRM system can help you efficiently manage these leads and save time. As your sales cycle extends and the volume of leads increases, the risk of losing track of potential clients grows. Implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can be a game-changer.

A CRM allows you to:

  • Keep all your leads in one place
  • Track communication and follow-ups
  • Automate lead qualification, filtering out those less likely to convert

This systematic approach ensures that no lead falls through the cracks. Moreover, by saving notes on client interactions within the CRM, you’re always prepared for meaningful conversations when leads re-engage.

To make the most of your CRM:

  • Set up lead scoring
  • Prioritize leads based on engagement and readiness to buy
  • Utilize email automation
  • Send targeted follow-ups and updates to keep your business top of mind

Social Lead Form Ads: Beyond Social Media Posting

Diving deeper into lead generation, it’s essential to differentiate between casual social media posting and targeted social lead form ads. The latter being a strategic approach to directly capture potential client information. While social media posts can create awareness, lead form ads are designed to convert that awareness into actionable leads. Think of it as the difference between casting a wide net and fishing with a spear – both can be effective, but the latter is more targeted and likely to bring in a catch ready to be pursued.

To start, choose the social platforms where your target market is most active. Then, create compelling ads that speak directly to their home building or remodeling needs. These ads should include a lead form that’s simple yet captures essential information, such as name, contact details, and specific interests.

Once you’ve launched your ads, it’s crucial to have an automated qualifying process in place. This process sifts through the leads, identifying those most likely to convert, saving you time and focusing your efforts on high-potential prospects. Remember, while social lead form ads may require a financial investment, the quality of leads and efficiency in lead management they offer can significantly boost your ROI.

PPC Search Ads: Strategies That Work

To effectively utilize PPC search ads, you’ll need to focus on converting clicks into leads by targeting commercial searches rather than informational ones. Since clicks cost the same for everyone, your ability to convert those clicks into leads will set you apart. Here’s a systematic approach:

  • Identify Commercial Intent Keywords:
  • Users searching for services.
  • Include words like “buy,” “price,” or specific service terms.
  • Craft Compelling Offers:
  • Stand out by not just talking about yourself.
  • Offer something unique or of clear value.

Once you’ve pinpointed the commercial searches your target audience is performing, you’ll tailor your ad copy to directly address their intent. This isn’t about merely getting your name out there; it’s about presenting a solution that feels tailor-made for the searcher’s needs.

  • Optimize Your Landing Pages:
  • Ensure relevance to your ad copy.
  • Make it easy to convert with clear calls-to-action.
  • Track and Tweak:
  • Use analytics to understand what’s working.
  • Adjust your strategies based on performance data.

This methodical approach to PPC search ads focuses on capturing the attention of potential customers precisely when they’re ready to make decisions about home building and remodeling services. By targeting commercial intent searches and presenting compelling, unique offers, you’ll enhance your chances of turning clicks into valuable leads.

Your Google Business Profile: Creation & Optimization

Building on your PPC search ads strategy, it’s crucial to also focus on creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile to enhance your online visibility.

Start by ensuring your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across the web. This consistency boosts your credibility with Google, helping your business show up more prominently in searches.

Next, accurately select categories that best describe your home building or remodeling services. This step is vital because it helps Google understand your business, making it easier to connect you with your target market searching for the services you offer.

Don’t forget to add high-quality images of your projects. Visuals play a key role in attracting potential clients, giving them a glimpse of your work’s quality and style. Regularly updating your photo gallery keeps your profile fresh and engaging.

Your Online Reputation & The Review Building Campaign

In the digital age, managing your online reputation and launching a review-building campaign are essential steps for growing your home building or remodeling business. Social proof isn’t just influential; it sells. Here’s a practical guide to systematically incorporate review generation into your business process:

  • Integrate Reviews into Your Process
  • Make it a Standard: After project completion, automatically reach out for a review.
  • Loop Back to Past Clients: Don’t forget those you’ve served in the past. They can provide valuable testimonials too.
  • Facilitate the Review Process
  • Provide a Template: Offer clients a simple template that includes keywords. It’ll make writing a review less daunting.
  • Ask for Photos: Visuals of your work can enhance the credibility and attractiveness of the review.
  • Offer an Incentive: Recognize that people are busy. A small thank-you can go a long way.

Why Direct Response Websites Win

Understanding why direct response websites come out on top involves recognizing their unique ability to combine design, SEO, and compelling sales copy to directly address your main concerns—timeline, budget, quality, trust, and communication. As a home builder or remodeler, your website must do more than just showcase your projects; it needs to sell your services.

Start by integrating your site with a CRM to track leads efficiently. This ensures every inquiry via live chat, form submission, phone call, or eBook download is captured and responded to promptly. Your website should offer multiple communication channels to cater to different preferences, making it easy for potential clients to reach out.

Incorporate SEO best practices to ensure your site ranks high on search engines, making it more visible to your target audience. But remember, it’s not just about being found; it’s about converting visitors into leads. Use persuasive sales copy that speaks to the heart of what your clients care about—delivering projects on time, within budget, with unmatched quality, and fostering trust and open communication throughout the process.

Getting Found: Proven SEO Strategies

To effectively boost your visibility online, you’ll need to master proven SEO strategies that ensure potential clients can easily find you. Start by ensuring your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all platforms. This consistency helps search engines trust your site, which can improve your ranking.

Next, engage your audience and search engines with a layered approach:

  • Create and Optimize Your Social Media Accounts
  • Link these accounts back to your website.
  • Regularly update them with relevant content to build engagement.
  • Build Your Online Presence Beyond Your Website
  • Citations: List your business on directories and review sites. Make sure your NAP information is uniform across these platforms.
  • Google My Business
  • Yelp for Business
  • Houzz
  • Content & Keywords: Write compelling page content that includes keywords related to home building and remodeling. This helps search engines understand what your site is about.
  • Authority Building: Foster relationships with other websites to gain links and mentions.
  • Guest blogging on industry-related sites
  • Participating in online forums and discussions

Quick Lead Response: SMS Starters & Persistent Follow-ups

Maximize your lead conversion rates by responding quickly to inquiries, ideally within five minutes, and implementing a systematic follow-up strategy that includes up to seven touchpoints over a 30-day period to keep potential clients engaged.

First, adopt SMS as a primary mode for your initial responses. Text messages boast high open rates, making them an effective tool for capturing attention right away.

Craft your opening SMS to be warm and personalized, confirming receipt of the inquiry and briefly outlining the next steps. This immediate engagement shows your leads they’re valued and sets the tone for a responsive, customer-centered experience.

Next, map out a 30-day follow-up sequence that mixes informative content, check-in messages, and calls to action. Each touchpoint should offer value, whether it’s tips on selecting the right home design, insights into the remodeling process, or highlights of your latest projects.

Use a mix of SMS, email, and phone calls to maintain variety and keep the conversation fresh.

Email Marketing Mastery: Selling Your Expertise Over Time

After mastering quick lead responses through SMS, it’s crucial to deepen client engagement over time with a strategic email marketing approach. This method isn’t just about bombarding your audience with messages but nurturing a relationship that positions you as the go-to expert in home building and remodeling.

Here’s how to sell your expertise over time:

  • Start with Insightful Content
    Offer real value in each email. This could be trends, how-tos, or case studies that highlight your knowledge and experience. Encourage feedback and questions to make your emails a two-way communication channel.
  • Mix in Offers with Content
    Exclusive deals or early access to new services can make your audience feel special and more inclined to engage. Don’t just sell; ensure your offers are relevant and add value to your subscribers’ lives.

Showcasing on Social Media: Supporting the Sales Process

In today’s digital age, leveraging social media is a key strategy for home builders and remodelers to showcase their projects and expertise, effectively supporting the sales process. Your social media profiles act like a dynamic portfolio. While they mightn’t always directly generate leads, they play a crucial role in proving your value to potential clients.

To maximize your impact, diversify your posts. Share social proof and examples of your work to visually demonstrate what you’re capable of. Don’t shy away from posting personal or team highlights; these add a human touch and build trust with your audience. Regularly teaching through your posts showcases your expert status, positioning you as a go-to resource in your field.

Additionally, providing resources or special offers not only adds value but can also convert followers into leads. This systematic approach to social media supports your sales process by continuously engaging your target market.

Content Marketing Essentials: Ebooks, Blogs, and More

Diving into content marketing essentials, you’ll find that employing strategic blogs, ebooks, and more can significantly elevate your authority and connect deeply with your target audience. This systematic approach helps you showcase your expertise while providing real value that addresses your audience’s concerns and questions.

  • Blogs
  • Showcase Your Expertise: Regularly update your blog with posts that highlight your knowledge in home building and remodeling. Make sure each post provides actionable insights and answers to common questions your potential clients might have.
  • Engagement and SEO: Use your blog to engage with your audience through comments and social shares. Optimize your content for search engines to increase your online visibility.
  • Ebooks
  • In-depth Guides: Create ebooks that offer comprehensive guides on specific topics related to home building and remodeling. These can range from design principles to cost-saving tips.
  • Lead Generation Tool: Offer ebooks as free downloads in exchange for email addresses. This helps build your email list and provides a direct channel to nurture leads.

Incorporating these content marketing essentials into your strategy isn’t just about producing content. It’s about systematically creating value that resonates with your audience, establishing your authority in the industry, and carefully crafting your online presence to support your sales process and business growth.

Offline Marketing & Traditional Tactics

While exploring content marketing essentials like blogs and ebooks is crucial for online engagement, don’t overlook the power of offline marketing and traditional tactics to further expand your reach.

Start by utilizing postcards in neighborhoods where you’re currently working. This creates curiosity and leverages social proof, especially effective when you target wealthy areas. Include an offer, such as a free consultation, inspection, or concept drawings, to entice potential clients.

Next, consider sending packages to other professionals like realtors, architects, and designers. These shouldn’t just be generic mailings but tailored communications that show how your services can complement their offerings to provide a more comprehensive solution to mutual clients.

Here’s a systematic approach:

  • Identify key neighborhoods and professionals who align with your target market.
  • Design your postcards and packages to highlight your unique selling propositions and include a clear, compelling offer.
  • Schedule your mailings to coincide with ongoing projects or seasonal demands to maximize impact.

Local Business Networking: Making Connections That Get an ROI

To maximize your return on investment, start building valuable local business networks by offering genuine value first, setting the stage for mutual benefits and referrals. Here’s how you can systematically approach this:

  • Identify Potential Partners
  • Architects: They often need builders to bring their designs to life.
  • Realtors: Those who can’t find existing homes for their clients might suggest building new or remodeling.
  • Provide Value Before Expecting Anything
  • Offer insights or free consultations on potential projects.
  • Pass on projects that aren’t a good fit for you to them.

Remember, the key is reciprocity. When you approach networking with the mindset of offering value, your new connections are more likely to return the favor. This could mean architects sending clients your way for construction or drawings, and realtors referring clients who are considering building new homes or undertaking major renovations.

Networking isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about creating meaningful relationships. By focusing on how you can help others first, you lay a foundation for a network that supports everyone involved, ensuring that when you do get referrals, they’re well-qualified and ready to move forward.

Rewarding Referrals: The Incentive Strategy

After establishing valuable connections through local business networking, it’s crucial to leverage those relationships further by implementing an effective referral incentive strategy. You’re not just building homes; you’re building a community of advocates who can help your business grow. Here’s how to make it work for you.

First, decide on the type of incentives you’ll offer for referrals. Options include money, gifts, or even travel packages. It’s about finding what resonates most with your target audience. Remember, the goal is to get others to do the selling for you, turning satisfied clients and local supporters into a powerful sales force.

Next, set clear terms for your referral program. A common approach is offering 1% of the contract price as a reward. This not only provides a tangible incentive but also scales with the value of the referral brought in.

Engage with sports clubs and community groups by offering them a share in the rewards for fundraising through referrals. This not only broadens your reach but also strengthens your ties with the community.

Hiring: Finding the Best Talent for Growth

Once your referral program is in place and generating new projects, it’s essential to focus on hiring the right talent to support your business’s growth. The best candidates are often already employed or running their own businesses, making the traditional job board route less effective for finding top-notch talent.

Here’s a systematic approach to drawing in the right people:

  • Advertise Strategically
  • Where to Post: Instead of general job boards, target industry-specific platforms and social media groups. These venues are frequented by professionals passionate about their craft.
  • What to Include: Keep your job ads simple. Highlight the need for job experience over formal education. Many skilled tradespeople may not have a resume due to entering the trade directly from school.
  • Simplify the Hiring Process
  • Initial Contact: Ask for a brief summary of job experience instead of a formal resume. This approach makes it easier for potential candidates to reach out.
  • Follow-Up: Move quickly from a chat to a phone call. This direct line of communication allows you to gauge their interest and qualifications more effectively.

How Does Branding Play a Role in Home Builder and Remodeler Marketing in 2024?

In 2024, the importance of home builder branding will continue to play a crucial role in home builder and remodeler marketing. Establishing a strong brand identity helps builders stand out in a competitive market, build trust with customers, and communicate their unique value and reputation. Effective branding can also help attract new clients and retain loyal customers.


In wrapping up, remember, steering your home building or remodeling business to success in 2024 is like planting a garden; it requires patience, the right tools, and a bit of sunlight.

By laying down your marketing foundations, choosing the right mix of digital and traditional strategies, and nurturing relationships through networking and referrals, you’ll watch your business bloom.

Stay diligent, embrace the systematic approach we’ve outlined, and you’ll find your path to growth is both rewarding and fruitful.


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Cameron Upton

Founder of Contractor Scale, helping Home Builders & Remodelers get QUALIFIED & exclusive jobs, every month, booked in their calendar.

Online marketing since age 15 across various industries & before founding CS, spent 5 years business coaching across the US, UK, CA, AU & NZ

When he's not helping contractors, Cameron spends time exploring with his wife and 2 kids (and drinking a little too much espresso)